Drop and Play

Drop and Play is designed for kids (ages 4-12 year olds) to just drop-in for open play  on certain Sunday’s from


Drop and Play is a great way to get some energy out in a fun, safe, air conditioned environment. The cost is $20 per child. Your children will have free play, practice gymnastics skills, play games, and enjoy other fun gymnastics activities. Pre-registration is required! Non-members are welcome to register also. 

Drop off and pick up will be around the back; the coaches will come to you.

Please send your child with a refillable water bottle, we will provide a Popsicle. If your child would like to buy a snack we will have our snack bar open, snacks are 50 cents each.  

Register online HERE or through the Parent Portal  

Be sure to read the new COVID Policies and Procedures that we have out into place on our website

Come & Play

Come and Play Dates is designed for parents and kids (ages 1-5) to just drop-in for open play on Wednesday’s 11:00am-1:00pm

Register ahead of time, space is limited!

Come and Play Dates are great for some parent/child time in a safe and fun environment in which you can interact with your child(ren). The cost is just $10 for a family. Stay for a little or stay for all 2 hours! Your little gymnasts can practice and show off their gymnastics skills that they have learned in class.

Pre-registration is required! Non-members are welcome to come see, play and explore. WAIVERS must be signed by the PARENT and for NON-MEMBER CHILD to participate. Older children who are on a school break are encouraged to have something to occupy them while in the Waiting Area as older children will not be able to go out on the gym floor or participate during this event. Also, parents will not be able to play on the equipment, but you will still have a great time playing with your child(ren).

Register online HERE or through the Parent Portal  

Be sure to read the new COVID Policies and Procedures that we have out into place on our website